Election Day: Final result totals are in


All final local results are posted here: http://www.greenfieldreporter.com/elections


2:45 a.m.: Donald Trump has been elected president of the United States, according to Associated Press reports. 

The Republican nominee won early Wednesday after capturing Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes, putting him over the 270 threshold.

Voters eager to shake up the nation’s political establishment picked the celebrity businessman to become the nation’s 45th president. 

Trump rode an astonishing wave of support from voters seeking change and willing to accept a candidate loose with facts and accused of sexual misconduct.

He upset Democrat Hillary Clinton, who would have become the first woman to serve in the Oval Office.

Trump struck a populist tone and placed a hardline immigration stance at his campaign’s heart.

Trump rose to political fame after questioning whether President Barack Obama was born in the United States. He will now follow Obama into the White House.

2 a.m.: The presidential race has still not been decided, but the Associated Press has Republican Donald Trump ahead of Democrat Hillary Clinton 266 electoral votes to 218. 

Results from New Hampshire, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Arizona and Alaska are still too close to call, according to AP reports. 

Clinton’s campaign leaders told supporters at her New York City headquarters to head home for the night, suggesting Clinton will not speak about the election until sometime later Wednesday morning.  


10 p.m.: Democrat John Gregg concedes the gubernatorial race to Republican Eric Holcomb.  Democrat Evan Bayh concedes the U.S. Senate race to Republican Todd Young.

7:02 p.m.: The Associated Press reports Republican Donald Trump has won Indiana and its 11 electoral votes.

6:45 p.m.: With all voting centers now officially closed, local candidates and supporters have started to gather at the Hancock County Courthouse Annex to watch results roll in.

5:50 p.m.: Just ten minutes until polls close. Stick with the Daily Reporter staff as we report the results of local races throughout the night.

4 p.m.: There are only two hours until polls close, but no worries, as long as you’re in line at a vote center when the clock strikes 6 p.m., you get to vote!

3 p.m.: Democrat Rita Johnson and Republican Martha Vail, both running for Hancock County Council at-large, spent the afternoon campaigning alongside each other at the Hancock County Public Library, much like they have the past week. They laughed and chatted to pass the time, developing a positive relationship  despite their political differences.

2:01 p.m.: Candidates and their family and friends are toughing it out, bundled up outside vote centers to keep warm and dry as they stump for their favorite candidates, trying to capture more votes.

1:45 p.m.: Worried about long lines after work? Sneak away and vote now. It’s slow going at vote centers across the county.

12:13 p.m.: If you’re planning to vote this afternoon, bring a raincoat or umbrella. Rain is in the forecast for this evening, and you might be waiting a while.

11:38 a.m.: Planning to cast a straight ticket vote today? Don’t forget, you must vote individually for at-large candidates, including those running for Hancock County Council. Those candidates are out at polls reminding voters.

11 a.m.: Poll workers at Wilkinson Church of Christ prepared for a busy afternoon helping county voters by eating their luncheon early. The workers pooled their food stipend and got someone to cater a home-style meal of meatloaf, corn and macaroni and cheese, said inspector Dennis Fisher.

9:45 a.m.: The stream of voters is slow but steady at NineStar Connect, 2331 E. County Road 600N, where nearly 375 citizens cast their ballots so far today, said polling place administrator Gloria Mathews.

Poll workers faced a line when the doors opened at 6 a.m. but have been able to keep wait times short throughout the day, she said.

Edward Flick of Greenfield stood outside NineStar Connect starting from about 9:30 a.m. today to encourage people to vote for Hancock County Council at-large candidate Martha Vail and Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump.

“I’m thinking positive,” he said.

9:40 a.m.: Did you know 42.7 percent of registered Hancock County voters cast ballots before Election Day this year? More than 24,000 people went to the polls during early voting. Read more, here: http://bit.ly/2eAk1bQ

8:30 a.m.: You’ll meet George Washington if you vote at the Hancock County Fairgrounds today. James McCormack of McCordsville is out stumping for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and local Republican county council candidate Martha Vail.

7:45 a.m.: Looking to vote before heading to work? Try the Hancock County Courthouse Annex, 111 American Legion Place, Greenfield. No line right now.

7:24 a.m.: A long line has formed at the Hancock County Public Library, stretching from the community room where poll workers are stationed, looping around the foyer and out the building. There are more than 60 people in line now, though things seem to be moving fairly quickly.

6 a.m.: Workers at the Adaggios vote center say the first person was in line to vote at 5 a.m. — an hour before polls officially opened.