Education Experience Day coming soon


HANCOCK COUNTY — Danielle Daugherty, Executive Director of L.I.N.K. (Leaders in Navigating Knowledge), recently introduced Kiwanis to L.I.N.K.’s programs and told them about the upcoming Education Experience Day.

At Education Experience, adults can receive assistance with the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form. The form can help students receive thousands of dollars to pay for college costs. This will take place at Greenfield branch of the Hancock County Public Library from noon to 6 p.m. Feb. 19.

Childcare and dinner will be available at no cost if reservations are made before Feb. 16.

RSVP at 317-477-0745.

L.I.N.K. is an advocate for post-secondary education in Hancock County and beyond, promoting affordability and accessibility of programs, courses and services. The mission of Hancock County L.I.N.K. is to ensure unlimited post-secondary educational opportunities for all adult learners in Hancock County by serving as a network agency that navigates post-secondary educational and workforce training programs available to county residents and businesses.