Saturday Sound Off


•Sometimes it’s the surprising, unexpected little things that give us the most pleasure. We seldom see frogs of any size in our yard, but this summer, probably thanks to the wet weather, we’ve seen an abundance of tiny frogs barely an inch long. In the evening several at a time might be clinging to our glass patio door. One friendly little guy even jumped on my arm while I was picking beans. A couple have even ended up indoors, and I’ve had to escort them back outside by way of the handy gadget I use to trap and evict spiders, insects and other unwanted small house guests.

•Greenfield youth softball league is the only place this year I have been that hosted an all-star tourney and charged admission. I paid $40 for my family and $16 more for my daughter’s grandparents to come watch my daughter play three games. Wow.

•I’m sure I can’t be the only person wondering about State Road 67 between McCordsville and Fortville. It has been patched in multiple places and is very rough. Surely, they don’t intend to leave it that way.

•When did it become county government policy to attack and try to embarrass and belittle taxpayers who disagree with what public officials are doing?

•After the finalized version of the EPA’s Clean Power Plan was announced, Sen. Joe Donnelly released a statement rejecting the standards proposed. He claimed that the EPA did not provide a workable goal and placed too much of an economic burden on Hoosier families. I do not believe Donnelly has taken into account the human health burdens and future economic burdens that our reliance on coal will bring. True, cutting our carbon emissions to fit the EPA’s new standards will not be easy, but what is easy and what is right tend to be mutually exclusive. The small economic cost now will be worth the major health, infrastructure, agricultural, environmental and economic benefits in the long run.

Saturday Sound Off is a place for you to speak your mind about all things Hancock County and beyond. You can submit your comments for publication on Facebook, or email [email protected]. Keep submissions to 100 words or fewer. You don’t have to leave your name, but you do have to be polite. Personal attacks will not be printed, and the Daily Reporter reserves the right to edit comments for publication.