A place of faith


Featured Match Day participant:

Bradley United Methodist Church


Dave Scifres, pastor

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Lyn O’Neal, Council chair

Don Erwin, finance committee chair


“Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.”

Organization highlights:

■ Bradley hosts a preschool program established in 1976 that provides classrooms designed to stimulate a child’s language, to develop an awareness and appreciation for their surroundings and to encourage positive social interactions. The preschool offers a safe environment to prepare children for their elementary education experience in the context of a faith-based program.

■ The building is made available to programs needing a place to meet such as Scouts, Alcoholics Anonymous, the Hancock County Children’s Choir, and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes Adult chapter, among others. By providing a convenient place to meet, Bradley UMC serves these groups that offer valuable services to the community.■ Bradley UMC members are dedicated to helping the community and are involved in activities outside the church. Members dedicate days to helping people in the community do work on their homes they cannot afford to do themselves. Bradley also supports the Hancock County Food Pantry, Kenneth Butler Memorial Soup Kitchen, Love INC. and more.

Match Day funding plans :

Funds received for Bradley UMC’s immediate use will support programs that will help the church connect, grow and serve the community in new and creative ways.

The grant money to grow the endowment plays a key role in Bradley UMC’s ability to impact the community for generations to come, because the fund provides an ongoing stream of revenue to support the organization’s mission and ministry now and in the future.

[sc:pullout-title pullout-title=”About Match Day ” ][sc:pullout-text-begin]

Match Day, sponsored by the Hancock County Community Foundation, is a day-long fundraising event benefiting 12 local nonprofits. Between now and July 24 (Match Day), we’ll feature these nonprofits and highlight their offerings in the community.

Donations made on Match Day, July 24, will be matched two ways:

1) Every community gift received during the 24-hour period will be matched by funds from a community foundation pool of $80,000, which will go toward the organizations’ immediate needs. How much of that pool is received is proportional to how much the organization raises on Match Day.

2) All community gifts will also be endowed and matched 50 cents on the dollar, up to $7,500 per organization, from a $90,000 grant pool from the Lilly Endowment. This means each organization’s goal is to raise $15,000 in order to receive the entire $7,500 match.

All Match Day contributions must be made on July 24 in order to be counted as part of the campaign. Individuals may make online contributions at giveHCgrowHC.org. They can make a gift by cash, check (dated July 24) or credit card at the foundation office or by phone. Gifts via mail will be accepted only if postmarked July 24.

[sc:pullout-text-end][sc:pullout-title pullout-title=”About the Hancock County Community Foundation ” ][sc:pullout-text-begin]

The Hancock County Community Foundation works with individuals, families and organizations to create or grow existing permanent funds called endowments. These funds generate income that is distributed in the form of grants and scholarships to enrich and enhance life in Hancock County, as well as support the donor’s favorite charitable causes, both at home and afar, forever. The foundation has granted more than $10 million since its inception in 1992.
