Shirley Volunteer Fire Department hands out service awards


SHIRLEY — Officials with the Shirley Volunteer Fire Department recognized some of its outstanding firefighters at a recent business meeting. Officials from the Indiana Volunteer Firefighters Association presented awards to three first-responders.

Larry Smith was awarded a pin for 10 years of service to the department; Jason Maynard was awarded a pin for 25 years of service to the department; and Chief Andy Ebbert, was awarded the MacQueen Award of Excellence. The state association presents the MacQueen Award to people “who have made a difference in their community and/or fire department to help promote the betterment of the fire service in their community,” the association says on its website.

Ebbert has served as fire chief of the department for 20 years and has been a member of the department for 30 years.

Ebbert is a member of the Indiana Fire Chief’s Association and collaborates with other chiefs and departments throughout the county and the state to help all work together in mutual aid to provide the best services to the communities, officials said at the meeting.