Letter to the editor: Democrats are trying to destroy our freedoms


To the editor:

These are tough political times we are in. We are facing a tough Presidential election between two non-perfect candidates and slate of congressional elections that could fundamentally change the course of our country. For this, I feel the need to voice concern for our Republic.

The Democratic Party has shifted so far left over the past 10 years that it is wholly unrecognizable from the party it once was. Many people have voted Democrat their entire life and find it difficult to justify changing the way they vote. After reading this, and many more articles I plan to pen in the coming weeks, justifying your actions will become much easier.

The Supreme Court vacancy left with the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is at the heart of this debate right now. I have to start here since it is where we are and there is a plethora of topics to write on. In 2016, the Democrats demanded Judge Merrick Garland (who was nominated to the Supreme Court by President Obama in 2016) receive hearings and a vote in the Senate. Republicans refused to hold hearings or have a vote, citing election-year politics. This was the wrong way to pitch the holding of Judge Merrick Garland’s confirmation. Instead, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell should have refused to hold a vote and simply said, “We don’t have the votes, and doing so would be a waste of time.” Instead, he spent so much time trying to be overly virtuous about what he was doing.

But why should Republicans reverse course and vote on Justice Ginsburg’s vacant seat? What has changed that would allow for such hypocrisy? The first change is the Democrats’ idea of expanding the Supreme Court so they can pack it with liberal justices. That’s right, they want to increase the number of justices so their will can be carried out by the court. This is so dangerous it cannot be overstated. What would Democrats say if Trump and Republicans tried to do this? They would rightly decry the action as authoritarian and a danger to our Republic. But if they do it, it is A-OK in their book. This cannot be allowed to happen!

While President Trump is not perfect, the only choice we have is to vote for him to save our country from a party that is publicly pushing a narrative that will destroy our freedoms as we know them. Remember, civilians never had a recognized constitutional right to bear arms until the 2008 Heller vs. D.C. opinion, where four liberal Justices (John Paul Stevens, David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Stephen Breyer) all dissented with the majority opinion. If Democrats expand the court and seat liberal justices, decisions like Heller will be overturned and the beginning of the erosion of our freedoms will commence immediately.

Don’t let this happen to our country.

Sean Alan Buchan
