Effectively communicating with your real estate agent


Phone calls used to be the primary method of communication between real estate agents and their clients, but now the channels in which society communicates seem endless. With texts, phone calls, Facebook Messenger, email and in-person meetings, its difficult for agents to know which channel a client prefers.

A successful client-agent relationship is one where each party can communicate effectively and clearly about time-sensitive materials and have honest conversations about the future of a sale or offer. Here’s few tips on communicating effectively during a real estate transaction.

Many real estate agents are used to getting phone calls throughout the day, but it’s important to remember that the agent also has other clients and may not answer the phone on the first ring, so don’t be afraid to leave a message, send a text or email with a question or comment. Agents will agree that calling repeatedly is not a good way to establish a positive relationship. A good agent will respond in a quick and timely manner.

While many realtors are used to answering questions and being available outside traditional 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. hours, please remember to be realistic about their time. To make the relationship work, try and keep track of any questions that come up and put those into one email, text, message or phone call. Organization like this helps the client by having answers in one place, and allows the agent to get an idea of the client’s train of thought and predict and answer future questions.

Agents also realize many of their clients work full-time jobs and have responsibilities with children or family afterwards, which makes it critical for all parties to understand when the other can be available for meetings, calls, open houses and showings. If weekends are for working, then let the agent know up front so showings can be scheduled during the week. Or if someone works a night shift, tell the realtor so communication doesn’t happen first thing in the morning.

During an initial meeting with the agent, discuss the best method and times to communicate so deadlines are met, offers are acknowledged quickly and questions can be answered in a timely manner. Bottom line, when making the decision to sell or purchase a home, have a candid conversation with the realtor. Let him or her know the optimal time to call or the best method to get in contact; it’s hard for an agent to do their best work when communication doesn’t flow both directions.