Back when: Oct. 23-29


Oct. 23

In 1997, Greenfield City Council voted to annex 160 acres at the northwest corner of New Road and Fortville Pike.

Oct. 24

In 1924, former Greenfield Mayor Frank Larrabee died. His many roles over the years included principal of Greenfield High School, county superintendent of schools, and Greenfield mayor — but health concerns drove him to resign after serving one year.

In 1954, Greenfield Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) broke ground for a new education unit.

In 1986, Greenfield City Council voted 4-3 against rezoning 12 acres near West McKenzie Road and North State Street from planned business to unit development. Proponents of McKenzie Plaza said they would regroup in the effort to build the McKenzie Plaza shopping center, which eventually did open with a Marsh supermarket as its major tenant. The Marsh closed in May 2017.

Oct. 25

In 1903, Mother of God Roman Catholic Church was dedicated in Shirley, with 103 attending the service. When the town’s gas boom faded, so did attendance; the building was razed in the late 1920s.

In 1917, Charles Downing was chosen as fuel administrator for Hancock County, appointed to help secure the necessary supply of coal.

In 1965, Hancock County native Robert Harlan II was missing in action in Vietnam.

Oct. 26

In 1967, a former Greenfield resident pled guilty to starting a fire in the cellblock of Hancock County Jail more than a year before. He had been arrested in August 1966 on a charge of drunk and disorderly conduct.

Oct. 27

In 1976, Hancock County officials and Indianapolis Airport Authority representatives conducted a ground-breaking ceremony for Mt. Comfort Airport, which was later renamed Indianapolis Regional Airport.

Oct. 28

In 1949, a 69-year-old former Greenfield resident and his four sons were indicted by a Dayton, Ohio, grand jury in connection with the sale of $156,945 worth of unregistered oil stock and gas leases.

Oct. 29

In 1924, former presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan spoke to about 1,800 people at the Memorial Building in Greenfield.