County COAD looking for volunteers as winter approaches


HANCOCK COUNTY — Officials with the Community Organization Active in Disaster held their annual meeting recently and discussed their budget as well as the need for volunteers.

During the meeting, COAD director Jim Peters reviewed the financial information and noted that they had total spendable assets of $2957.07, total assets of $15,751.30 and no debts. Peters also noted an income of $8757.53, and total expenses so far at $8736.54.

Despite having enough assets on hand now Peters said the organization is always collecting donations.

“This community always responds so well and we’re in decent shape right now,” Peters said. “But every non-profit can always use more funding.”

Peters noted the more money they can raise via an appeal to donate to the COAD, the more sustainable the organization becomes.

“But, the immediate need has been met, and in fact we have a little we can set aside that can go towards next year’s insurance, which is one of our bigger needs along with operating expenses that grants sometimes just don’t cover,” Peters said.

Donated funds are also used to support the warming center, which once again will be at the Boys and Girls Clubs of Hancock County.

Despite having enough funds to get through immediate needs, Peters said the COAD is always in need of more volunteers.

“We’ve got a lot of volunteer positions that are really specific that we can use help with. Hopefully people will see some of our needs and be able to step up,” Peters said.

For example, COAD is looking for help with:

Warming center greeters

Warming center shift 1

Warming center shift 2

Volunteer coordinator

Neighborhood coordinator

Command trailer maintenance

Grant assistance work

Construction manager long-term recovery group

Data entry

Partnership coordinator

General recruitment

“We’ve got a travel trailer but for someone like me,” Peters said. “I’m not a camper, and there are some maintenance things that need to be done on that, and it would be nice to have someone who can help us out with that. None of the positions we have posted require a huge number of hours, but they are bits and pieces of what we do that, if we can get some help with, would be great.”

Peters noted the community has always been willing to step up and help where needed but oftentimes they aren’t able to reach the masses, so he’s hoping anyone who might want to volunteer with the COAD gets in touch via their website at

“We’re hoping someone will see something specific in our needs that might peak their curiosity and will want to volunteer,” Peters said.