Community briefs: Animal management reminds residents to keep pets inside


Animal management reminds residents to keep pets inside

GREENFIELD – Greenfield-Hancock Animal Management recently posted a reminder on social media that pet owners are to keep close watch on animals let outside and in general, to keep them indoors if temperatures dip below 20 degrees.

Animals let outside must be monitored by an adult and returned inside as soon as possible. There are certain breeds of dogs that enjoy being outside in cold temperatures, such as those with double-coats and working dogs; those dogs are able to spend time outdoors but must have access to shelter and water.

The department encourages residents to use their best discretion before calling in about an animal that may have been left outdoors, asking themselves if there is adequate shelter outdoors; if there’s a doggie door available to move freely in and out of; or if there is a person outside with the dog. For questions, call (317) 477-4367.

Special Olympics to host two fundraisers

GREENFIELD – Special Olympics of Hancock County has announced two spring fundraising events for the organization.

A fashion show will be held at 2 p.m. March 6 Cynthia’s Boutique, 1584 N. State St. The $10 ticket includes a scarf, appetizers, door prizes and store coupons. Proceeds benefit Special Olympics athletes; athletes will be modeling clothes, jewelry and accessories. Tickets may be purchased in advance at Cynthia’s Hallmark or from any board member. For questions, call (317) 710-7718.

A bowling fundraiser will be held 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. April 9 at Strike Force Lanes, 1539 W. Main St. Cost is $25 per team of two for the inaugural Noah Glover Memorial Scotch Doubles event. Ticket price includes three games of bowling and shoe rentals.

Shrine club plans first meetings of the year

GREENFIELD – The Hancock County Shrine Club’s first meeting and meal of the new year will be held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 25. The event will be held at the Hancock County Fraternal Order of Police, 400 E. Davis Road, Greenfield.

Cost of the meal is $10. Text or call Randy Riley at (317) 498-0806 by Friday, Jan. 21 to reserve a spot.