Three things to know about gas prices


GREENFIELD — Spring break is here for most local schools, and some Hancock County families are likely preparing to hit the road for vacation.

Gas prices across the country are lower than they were during March of last year, which means this year’s vacation might be just a little less expensive.

The national average for a gallon of regular gas is $2.43, which is $1.09 lower than this time last year.

Here’s what you need to know about gas prices, whether you’re staying home or headed out of the state.

1. Staying in Indiana might save you cash.

At the beginning of this week, Indiana had the second-lowest average gas price of all 50 states. At $2.15 per gallon, Indiana’s average gas price is just a little higher than South Carolina’s, which was $2.12.

2. Gas is cheaper than it was last year.

In Indiana, the average cost of gas is down $1.52 from the same time last year. If you’re heading south, say to Florida, the average price of a gallon of gas there is down about $1.10 from last March.

If your family is heading west, gas will likely be more expensive than it is in the Midwest. In California, the average cost of a gallon of regular gasoline is $3.35.

3. Prices will likely go up in the Midwest.

Early this week, the average price of gas in Indiana was $2.15. It could rise to $2.39 or higher later this week and into next week. Refinery issues in the Midwest could lead gas prices to increase by 20 cents or more.

Compiled by Samm Quinn

Source: GasBuddy