C.O. Montgomery: Pride, prejudice and patriotism

C.O. Montgomery

A lot has happened to our nation in the past eight months. We have seen a less-than-orderly transition of power. As a citizen of America, it was your choice to support the candidate of your choosing. I did not make that choice for you. Perhaps you were a Donald Trump supporter, or perhaps you supported President Joe Biden. Possibly you supported the Libertarian candidate. The important thing is that you took the time to vote.

You had American PRIDE. More importantly, the Constitution survives. Sometime ago, I had the privilege to attend a Trump rally. I must say that in my decades of attending such political rallies. It was a magnificent event. The man is truly a showman. It was a combination of a political rally and an old-time sawdust trail revival.

The November election was definitely one for the books. Was it unique? Some would say so. Yet this was not a first for America. Throughout history, we have seen the fiasco of the 1960 Democratic Convention. We had the infamous irregularities in the “hanging chads,” in 2000 in Florida. When Thomas Jefferson was elected president in 1800, there was controversy. In 1824, there was a controversy about John Quincy Adams’ election.

I believe that in our over-200-year history, there have been no less than eight major disruptions to the election. Recently, I ran across a quote. It simply says, “Truth does not mind being questioned. A lie does not like being challenged.” This was very evident in our last election.

When it comes to our democratic republic, we become intense, rabid individuals. Rightly so, we swell up with PRIDE. Most Americans, regardless of political affiliation possess PRIDE, PREDJUDICE and above all PATRIOTISM.

The three P’s can be used for good or evil. My basic philosophy is that there are only two forces in this world today. For that matter it has been that way since God Almighty created man in his image.

In today’s world, people are worried about terrorism. And, I think we should be concerned about it. I would like to quote Chuck Swindoll in his recent prayer. His text was Psalm 46:10-11.

“Cease striving and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth.

The Lord of host is with us; the God of Jacob is our stronghold.” Also, Chuck Swindoll recently quoted the Purpose of Proverbs. Essentially he wondered. “Why do you suppose God preserved these sayings down through the centuries?” One of the five reasons given was to teach discernment. He goes on to say that “discernment is the ability to look at a situation and see the moving parts.” Very much like our current political landscape.

Our current political situation reminds me of the circumnavigation of Ferdinand Magellan. I suggest that you reacquaint yourself with Magellan’s story. You will read of his trials and tribulations, while trying to establish a trade route to the Spice Islands. His entire life and death was filled with PRIDE, PREDJUDICE, and PATRIOTISM.

So how do we tie the three P’s together? I mentioned Chuck Swindoll in regards to terrorism and Proverbs. I do believe that we should be cognizant of terrorism. But we should have PRIDE in America to ever be vigilant in oppressing it, whether home-grown or foreign. The Book of Proverbs should help us “to know wisdom and instructions” (Proverbs 1:2).

I submit that every person who voted in the last election exhibited PRIDE. PRIDE in our country, and also PRIDE in the candidate of their choice. Finally, I believe many were PREJUDICED. They were either for or against a particular candidate or ideology. Much like Magellan’s untimely death, he let his PRIDE get in the way of common sense. Did the best candidate win? That is not for me to say. I believe former Speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner, said it best in April 2021 “History will judge our presidents.”

We as Americans do have PATRIOTISM. I pray to God daily for whoever occupies that sacred Oval Office.

C.O. Montgomery of New Palestine is a former teacher and former Sugar Creek Township trustee.