Hope for Living: Press on amid frustration and see what God does

Adam Detamore is pastor of Realife Church in Greenfield. Photo submitted

By Adam Detamore

Everything going on in our world today is a constant reminder that this world is not our home and that we are on a journey to the Promise Land. Like Moses leading the children of Israel out of slavery in Egypt, we were rescued from spiritual darkness when we put our faith in Jesus.

However, just as the Israelites had to go through the wilderness, we too must learn how to live victorious lives on this side of heaven.

The wilderness is full of traps and temptations — opportunities for the enemy to steal our hope, purpose, identity, strength and joy. There is a spirit of heaviness in our world today. If we aren’t careful we can lose sight of the promises of God. How can we have joy even in hard times?

How can we trust God when things aren’t going well? How do we win in the wilderness?

Although Israel’s wilderness experience got off to a miraculous start with the parting of the Red Sea, three days later frustration set in. Exodus 15 tells us that after three days in the desert, they came to the oasis of Marah. An oasis sounds nice when you’re in the wilderness.

Unfortunately, the name Marah actually means “bitter.” The water at Marah was bitter, and the people were frustrated. Maybe that’s how you’ve felt lately.

The people were expecting fresh water but instead found bitter water. Their frustration was understandable. You see, it’s the gap between our expectations and our reality where frustration lives.

Maybe you expected a $10/hour raise and received only $5/hour. Maybe you thought you’d be married by now. Maybe you expected your children to do everything you ask the first time.

I believe there’s blessing to be found in the frustration. Why? It’s at Marah where we learn to deal with frustration and God gives us the greatest revelation of how to live well and Spirit-led in the wilderness.

As Israel’s leader, Moses learns to embrace where he’s at. He could’ve thrown in the towel, hid in his tent, or even walked away from this group of one million complainers. Instead he leans in.

He knows that until you embrace where you are, you cannot change where you’re headed. He knows there’s a promised land in their future and if he quits are Marah, they’ll never get there.

Have you become so frustrated that you’ve quit fighting? God needs you to stick with it. Keep praying for a breakthrough. Keep serving at your church. Keep leading your family. Keep giving to the kingdom.

It’s at Marah where a miracle happened. Moses “cried out to the Lord for help,” which should always be our first response. God miraculously turned the bitter water sweet, and the people of Israel drank until their bellies were full.

If you’re in a wilderness experience right now, embrace where you’re at. Stay in the fight. Cry out to the Lord. He is faithful. There is blessing to be found in your frustration.