Teresa Holland: Getting your Hygge on

Teresa Holland

There seem to be many new words or shortened abbreviated words floating around these days. Or maybe we are just more aware of them because of the instantaneous nature of social media. Some of us may remember when it was a big deal for major dictionary companies to release their yearly lists of new words that they were adding that year. I am not even sure how often they must update now.

I recently came across an article pointing out that there are many words in other languages to define feelings that do not even exist in English. Really? That sounds almost unbelievable given the many different meanings we have for some English words that are spelled or sound the same way. One of these I found interesting is Fjaka, a Croatian word, meaning to relax your body and mind and delight in the feeling of doing nothing. I am not sure that I agree with there not being an English equivalent, as I can readily think of ‘chilling out.’ Some of these new words, we can readily see and agree with. Others, we might just say yeah… right… whatever.

One of these new words though, I really like! Hygge, pronounced (hue-gah). It means to bring things into your life that can help you to feel better by through calm, joy, feelings of well-being, peace, and special stress-free moments with simple pleasures. It is a word that I had never heard before but has become somewhat of a buzzword. I have noticed it repeatedly coming up in social media and magazine and blog articles. When I looked into the origins of this word, I found a different story. It has been around since the 18th century, so is not new at all. It is primarily found in Danish culture, though it originated in Norway.

I like this word because it is all about simplicity, coziness and living in the moment. It incorporates whatever is special to you and what makes you feel good. More simply put … it is the contentment you have in chilling out well.

At times, that may be by yourself or other times with those special to you. In today’s world, who couldn’t use more of this? It is not about more achievements, awards or money, but about the everyday moments that bring feelings to feeds your soul. The things that money cannot buy… though my grandmother would differ by saying that money could rent it for a while.

The best part of Hygge is it can be different for every person, and it does not have to break the bank. It happens in every season. Your own ways to pamper yourself and bring calm can vary depending on the time of year.

After all, we can get easily bored with sameness. Maybe you have already started your process by bringing out your favorite warm sweaters and warmer socks or by taking the family to a favorite park to walk through the changing leaves. This year, it might take more intention and imagination to find special places to go that are not crowded. But some venues are offering online ticket reservations with scheduled times to help with social distancing, especially during the coming winter months. A short-list to consider with your Hygge journey if you are not sure where to start are:

Get some new comfy, cozy clothes

Take a walk and connect with nature

Decorate the front of your house

Burn your favorite scented candles

Bake something special

Cook seasonal foods (I am thinking chili)

Listen to music

Watch the sunset or sunrise

Start a gratitude journal

Sip a favorite warm drink

Make a movie list to watch (my list is not the same as my husband’s. Might have to have a compromise list or watch separate televisions.)

reach out to family and friends (you might have to get imaginative if you are social distancing… yard meetings, Zoom meetings, holiday cards, phone calls, does anyone write letters anymore?)

So whatever it is that is special to you or your family, whatever brings you calm and peace, coziness, or makes a day more special… make your list and get your Hygge on. My husband has already pointed out that his Hygge list is way different than the one above. I suspected as much. Mine is already in progress as I sit with my warm, fluffy Sherpa socks on in my favorite spot.