Immigrants and illegal aliens are not the same thing

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To the editor:

Mr. Krull’s article (“Shaking a fist at the American dream,” April 3, A4) is an uninformed political statement on the immigration situation, as it stands today.

President Trump proposed changes to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that would satisfy the need to integrate recipients into American society. Rejected by Congress!

Mr. Krull points out that President Trump wants to keep immigrants out of the U.S.A. This is totally erroneous. His wife is an immigrant!

An immigrant is someone who is going through or has completed the immigration process. An illegal alien is someone who is trespassing and is breaking and entering our sovereignty.

The only “undocumented immigrants” are those going through the legal process, which is not yet complete. Mr. Krull is referring to illegal aliens.

Many illegal aliens do good work, but there are also those who don’t.

Why on earth should federal and state governments allow illegal aliens to obtain licenses when that is reserved for U.S. citizens and legal immigrants?

Those who want to gain votes and live in a lawless society are trying to undermine the whole legal process. As a legal immigrant and naturalized citizen, I feel that the current administration is trying to do the right thing, despite the very strong resistance by a few.

John Shaw
