Letter: Means of protest should include choices at ballot box

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To the editor:

Thank you, Michael Adkins, for your column on the meaning of protest (“Form of protest can muddy the message,” Oct. 19, A6.) Mr. Adkins wrote about ways of meaningful protest. But I think he forgot one.

The ballot box is a strong and important means of protest. And it is one the Democratic party seems to have forgotten in much of Indiana. I understand Democrats will not win many races in many places in Indiana. But the Democrats have essentially given up. It is time to change that behavior.

In places like Hancock County, the primary is the only race of importance. We no longer expect any other race in the county. This is wrong.

I am not suggesting the Democrats slate a candidate in every race. But there have to be some races worth contesting. And it is time for the Democrats to do so.

Come on, Democrats, give the people at least some choice if only as an act of protest. And it would not hurt to see some independents once in a while.

Jim Matthews
