Off the Shelves – July 20


New items are available at the Hancock County Public Library.

The following item is available at the Hancock County Public Library, 900 W. McKenzie Road. For more information on the library’s collection or to reserve a title, visit

Adult Fiction

“On Turpentine Lane,” by Elinor Lipman

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At thirty-two, Faith Frankel has returned to her claustrophobic suburban hometown, where she is employed to write institutional thank-you notes for her alma mater. It’s a peaceful life, and with her recent purchase of a bungalow on Turpentine Lane, her life is finally on track. Never mind that her fiance is off on a crowdfunded cross-country walk, too busy to return her texts, but not too busy to post photos of himself with a different woman in every state; never mind her witless boss; a mother who lives too close; or a philandering father who thinks he’s Chagall. What good fortune, then, that Faith has found a friend in office-mate Nick Franconi. But when she finds some mysterious artifacts in the attic of her new home, she wonders whether anything in her life is as it seems.

Adult Nonfiction

“Books for Living,” by Will Schwalbe

Why is it that we read? Is it to pass time? To learn something new? To escape from reality? For author Will Schwalbe, reading is a way to entertain himself but also to make sense of the world, to become a better person and to find the answers to the big (and small) questions about how to live his life. In this celebration of reading, Schwalbe invites us along on his quest for books that speak to the specific challenges of living in our modern world, with all its noise and distractions. In each chapter, he discusses a particular book—what brought him to it, the people in his life he associates with it and how it became a part of his understanding of himself in the world. The variety of books spans centuries and genres: from classic works of adult and children’s literature to contemporary thrillers and even cookbooks. Throughout, Schwalbe focuses on the way certain books can help us honor those we’ve loved and lost, and also figure out how to live each day more fully.