Three things to know about daylight saving time


GREENFIELD — Sunday will only last 23 hours.

That’s because it’s daylight saving time, and clocks will jump past 2 a.m. to 3 a.m.

Most will likely lose an hour of sleep, and mornings will be darker for a short time, but the time change is a symbol spring — and summer — are on their way.

Daylight saving time begins at 2 a.m. on the second Sunday each March and has been observed by most of the United States, Canada and Europe since World War I. 

Here’s what you need to know about the time change that robs you an hour of your day and makes mornings a little darker.

1. Daylight saving time occurs as a way to save energy.

The effect of moving the clocks an hour ahead creates more sunlight hours in the evening during months when the weather is expected to be warmer.

Since there’s more sunlight in the evening, the idea is less energy will be used because lights won’t be turned on until later, and people might spend more time outdoors.

2. Most of Indiana didn’t observe daylight saving time until 2006.

For many years, only 10 counties in Indiana observed daylight saving time. In 2006, all of Indiana began observing it.

Hawaii and Arizona still don’t observe the time standard, and a state can choose not to observe it by passing a law.

3. Daylight saving time previously began in April.

From 1966 to 1986, daylight saving time began on the last Sunday in April.

In 1986, law was amended to begin it the first Sunday in April, and in 2005, a new bill changed the start to the second Sunday in March.

Source: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Compiled by Samm Quinn