Celebrate with song


he Greenfield Community Choir will present “Love is in the Air,” Friday at 7 p.m. at the Greenfield Christian Church at 23 N. East St.

“Love is in the Air” is a musical revue, a collection of solos, duets and ensemble performances.

“We have so many good voices,” said director Chris Lamb, “Everybody is in the choir because they want to sing. I wanted to give them a chance to sing some solos and showcase some of the talent we have. This concert is my gift to them because they work so hard, and it is our Valentine’s Day gift to the community.”

Lamb promises an entertaining event. When audience members arrive, they’ll be greeted by members of the choir and escorted to tables in the church fellowship hall.

There, the event’s “wait staff” (OK, they’re choir members, too) will take orders for dessert before the entertainment begins.

The songs will range from the serious to the silly.

“We anticipate a delightful show,” Lamb said. “The event is free, but seating is limited, so you’ll want to get there early to get a good seat.”

The concert is a labor of love for Lamb. She took over the choir in 2013, and since then it has grown from 40 members to nearly 60 members between the ages of 22 and 85. They do four concerts a year.

“Directing a community choir is what I’ve always wanted to do,” Lamb said. “It’s the most fun thing I’ve ever done in my life. This group has grown musically in leaps and bounds. This concert will really give individual choir members a chance to shine.”

The Greenfield Community Choir is always looking for new members, she added. The choir rehearses Tuesdays from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Greenfield Christian Church. Dues are $40 annually. Anyone interested should contact Lamb at 765-717-9263

Worried about how you sound? The pressure is off.

“We’re a non-audition group,” Lamb said.