Superior Court 2 – January 31

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The following fines and sentences were imposed recently in Hancock Superior Court 2:

Jan. 16

Christopher Norris pleaded guilty to driving while intoxicated with priors, felony; sentenced to 545 days in jail with 10 days executed and 535 days suspended; ADA probation 535 days; 180 days home detention; NASA victim impact panel; driver’s license suspended for 132 days. Fine and cost: $768.

Jan. 21

Jordan Sirosky pleaded guilty to operating a vehicle while intoxicated with priors, felony; sentenced to 545 days in jail with 10 days executed and 535 days suspended; ADA probation 535 days; 180 days home detention; NASA victim impact panel; driver’s license suspended 184 days. Fine and cost: $786.

James L. Emerick pleaded guilty to neglect of a vertebrate animal; sentenced to 365 days in jail with 365 days suspended; informal probation 365 days. Defendant is allowed to have no more than one animal that must be spayed and neutered. Fine and cost: $168.

Ernie Craft Jr. pleaded guilty to operating a vehicle while intoxicated; sentenced to 60 days in jail with 60 days executed; ADA probation; reimbursement to prosecutor for blood draw $280. Fine and cost: $768.

Ernie Craft Jr. pleaded guilty to driving while suspended with prior; sentenced to 365 days in jail with 60 days executed and 305 days suspended; 305 days probation; driver’s license suspended 90 days to run concurrent with previous Hancock Co. court case.

Ernie Craft Jr. pleaded guilty to false informing; sentenced to 180 days in jail with 60 days executed to run concurrent with previous Hancock Co. court case.

Stacy B. Allen pleaded guilty to driving while intoxicated; sentenced to 365 days in jail with two days executed and 363 days suspended; ADA probation 363 days;, NASA victim impact panel; restitution to victim to be determined; reimbursement to prosecutor for blood draw $280.50. Fine and cost: $768.

Keith S. McGinley pleaded guilty to battery; sentenced to 365 days in jail with 365 days suspended; formal probation 365 days; no contact with victim; restitution to victim for medical bills to be determined. Fine and cost: $168.

Jan. 22

Benny J. Hahn pleaded guilty to operating a vehicle while intoxicated, felony; sentenced to 730 days in jail with 10 days executed and 720 days suspended; ADA probation 720 days; 180 days home detention; NASA victim impact panel; reimbursement to prosecutor for blood draw to be determined; driver’s license suspended 275 days. Fine and cost: $768.

Stacy M. Lamb pleaded guilty to battery by bodily waste, felony; sentenced to 545 days in jail with 18 days executed and 527 days suspended; formal probation 527 days, to run concurrent with previous Hancock Co. court case.